What, How and Why is UX Sitemap Important for Designing?

The process of creating a website’s look and feel begins long before any designs are made.

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Randolph MEVA'A
UX Design
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6 min

The process of creating a website’s look and feel begins long before any designs are made. The first step is to make a complete list of everything that will be featured on the website. Site mapping describes this action.

Before beginning the visual design process, developing the UX sitemap and information architecture is crucial. UX sitemaps and information architecture are methods of outlining the structure of a website or digital product’s data and content.

You might have three questions regarding the basics of UX sitemap, like what a sitemap is, how to create a sitemap, and why a sitemap is important. Let’s understand first what each means.

What is A UX Sitemap?

A UX sitemap is like a blueprint for a website or app. It's a visual diagram that organizes the pages and sections in a hierarchical manner. Think of it as a roadmap that shows how different pages are connected and labeled. This helps designers and teams understand how users will navigate through the site or app.

You might also hear it called an information architecture diagram or content outline. Its main goal is to make sure users have a smooth and easy experience while using the site. By laying out the pages and their relationships, designers can simplify the structure, trim unnecessary content, and highlight what's most important.

A UX sitemap is a great tool to assess whether the navigation and links are user-friendly and good for search engine optimization (SEO). It allows you to strategically place content where users can find it easily and identify any areas that might be confusing, like pages hidden under unclear labels.

One key benefit is that it aligns everyone involved in the project—designers, developers, and content creators—on how the site should look and work and what content it should offer. Creating a UX sitemap isn't necessarily difficult, but it does require time and effort to ensure the best user experience possible.

Why are Visual Sitemaps Important?

Visual sitemaps are important because they're the first step when making or changing a website. Here are some really good reasons why they matter:

Getting Organized and Planning Ahead: Visual sitemaps give you a big-picture look at how your website will be set up before you actually start building it. This helps you organize your content clearly and ensure you don't forget any important parts.

Working Efficiently and Communicating Better: Sitemaps help gather all the important stuff, like content and pictures, right at the beginning. This stops any confusion and keeps the project on track. It helps both the people making the website and those designing it know what to do.

Making Users Happy: Sitemaps show how different pages are connected, which makes it easier for users to find their way around. This is really important, especially for big websites, because it ensures users can easily find what they're looking for.

Making Changes and Improvements: Sitemaps make it easier to make changes to your website's look without confusing your visitors. They also help you see where you can make your content better.

Reaching Your Goals: Sitemaps help make sure your website matches up with the goals you've set. This improves the chances of your website doing well online.

Visual Sitemaps

How Do You Create A Sitemap Using Information Architecture?

To create a sitemap using information architecture, follow these steps:

Step1 : Create your user persona

First of all, you need to understand who’s your audience and whom you are designing for. To create a user persona, you need user and market research.

Step 2: Define your goals

After you’re done with creating a user persona, you need to clearly identify the objectives and purpose of your website or project. Here is a flowchart to help you.

Step 3: Identify tasks

When your goal is defined, determine the specific tasks that users will need to accomplish on your website. And try to keep it more precise and effortless.

Step 4: Create a hierarchical structure

In this step, you need to develop a hierarchical structure that organizes the content and pages of your website. This structure should reflect the relationships between different sections and pages. As an example, here is how a hierarchical structure might look.

Step 5: Map out the pages

This is a crucial step where you’ll list all the pages that will exist within your website, ideally with assigned page goals and content/functionality.

Step 6: Label the pages

After mapping out the page, you have to label the page according to the context. Give each page a clear and descriptive label that accurately represents its content.

Step 7: Consider user flow

You’re almost at the end of primary site mapping. Here, you need to consider how users will navigate through your website and ensure that the sitemap reflects a logical and intuitive user flow.

Step 8: Review and refine

There are always scopes of improvement. So, continuously review and refine your sitemap to ensure it accurately represents the structure and content of your website.

Sitemap Using Information Architecture

Guidelines and Tips for Creating Effective UX Sitemaps

Web Design

You must invest in establishing a solid ux sitemap from the initial phase of the web design process through testing techniques such as card sorting. By establishing a site’s page hierarchy at an early stage, you have a greater chance of producing a product that users will find easy to navigate.

Review Pages

When intending to improve the user experience of an existing website, conducting a content audit is one of the first steps to take. Analyze the current content on your website and decide how it should be organized. Determine which pages the homepage links to first. Sitemaps should be used to organize information, not to convey the site’s message, so you should do this.

Classify The Information

The further a page is located on your homepage, the more difficult it will be for visitors to locate it. Therefore, you should always create a page hierarchy based on importance.

Align with User Mental Models

Jakob’s Law says that most of a user’s time is spent on other sites that have set patterns. So, your website shouldn’t look very different or have a very different layout than a competitor’s website in your category.

For example, if you’re making a website for a business, it’s best to include an “About us” page and make it a top-level navigation option since most visitors expect to see this information.

Complete Task

The more steps a user has to take to finish a task (like buying a product on a website), the more likely it is that they will leave the site without finishing the task.

The 3-click rule is an unsanctioned web design rule stating that any page on your website should only require three clicks. Use a sitemap to determine which steps are required and which are unnecessary, and combine steps where possible.

Maintain Sitemap

A sitemap ensures that all project participants are on the same page. Therefore, it should be preserved in a location where project associates can access it and make modifications.

Sitemap Should be Modified

A sitemap shouldn’t be a piece of design that stays the same. Instead, it should be a living document that changes as the structure of a website does. Every time something changes, the sitemap should be updated to show this.

Benefits of UX Sitemap in the Design Process

The following points below discuss in detail how sitemaps help in the design process,

Identifying the Importance of Page and Content

With a sitemap, your team can decide which pages and content are most important. By showing your team how all of your site’s content looks, it’s easier to talk about how user flow and website goals fit together. And while doing that, you can get rid of anything that could confuse or distract your customers. Your website will work better if you make it clear what its purpose is.

Filtering Duplicate Content

You prevent creating redundant stuff. Duplicate content wastes time and money and hurts SEO. It’s a pain to update content that’s spread out across your site in different places. By making the site’s structure easier to understand, your whole team will have less to do.

Makes Your Site User-friendly

Well-organized content makes your site user-friendly. The end user is the most important thing to remember when designing your website. If your site is hard to use, people won’t stay long enough to fill out your contact form or buy something.

Search Engine Friendliness

It makes your site better for search engines. Even though planning sitemaps aren’t usually thought of as an SEO tool, it does affect how Google will structure the sitemap it reads from your website. If your sitemap has a cleaner layout, it will be easier for Google to search and index it. This makes web pages rank faster on search engines and can help your SEO.

Proper Budget Plan

Planning all of the site’s pages, their structure, and what layout or functionality elements they’ll use helps a project stay on budget by making it easier to talk about and, if necessary, set priorities.


Remember that a UX sitemap is not a user journey, but it is helpful to align your sitemap with the user journey so that it follows a logical, user-centered path. The sitemap is meant to show how the pages or content are organized and how they fit together.

Sitemaps can be molded and shaped to meet the needs of your project, whether you need to display simple boxes or more detailed drawings to depict the content. Understand your audience and why you’re creating a visual sitemap; this will guide your strategy, such as just listing on paper or developing visual sitemaps with extensive details.

You can easily create a visual ux sitemap in Word for small websites. Adversely, for large businesses with more content, a visual sitemap can ensure that nothing is missed in the design or duplicated (that you don’t want to copy), and it helps with content creation in the same way that an outline might.

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