UI Designer vs. UX Designer vs. Product Designer: A Comparative Analysis

Assume you have an entire level of a building that is unfinished and without any walls.

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Randolph MEVA'A
UI Design
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7 min

Assume you have an entire level of a building that is unfinished and without any walls. According to your specifications, an architect will design the rooms and handle any technical concerns; interior designers will inject life into the spaces by adding vibrant colors, furnishings, and showcases.

Here, the interior designer serves as the UI designer, while the architect serves as the UX designer. While UI designers will improve the overall experience through designs and colors, UX designers will provide design solutions for all technical problems and add features to make the product more user-friendly.

Now, what about the role of the product designer? The function of the product designer is comparable to that of the building's civil engineer. Because they want to improve the structures' resistance to extreme weather, evaluate the quality of the materials used to build a building, and other reasons, they focus more on the structural components of the design.

Similarly, the product designer is more interested in designing the product in a way that will be successful in fulfilling the business needs. They understand the market needs and target audience to develop a concept that will make the product stand out in the market, making it more valuable. By working collaboratively with the UX and UI designers, the product designer can create a cohesive and effective product that satisfies the user's needs while meeting the business objectives.

product designer
Source: Netsolutions.com

What Does A Product Designer Do?

A product designer oversees the entire design or improvement process. A product designer may brainstorm solutions to current pain points, take input from stakeholders, and serve as a bridge between designers, engineers, and researchers. They are aware of the more general objectives of the product while also paying attention to the specifics that are required to realize those objectives.

become ui designer
Source: Geeksforgeeks.org

What Does A UI Designer Do?

The role of a UI/UX designer is to create user-friendly interfaces that allow users to comprehend how to operate complex technical products. Their main responsibility is to simplify the complexities users encounter while navigating products by implementing simple processes and visually appealing designs.

User interface designers (also known as UI designers) are in charge of the overall appearance and feel of digital product user interfaces. UI designers are in charge of creating not only the screens that comprise a digital user interface but also the individual components that comprise each screen.

Therefore, they analyze not just the overall layout of each screen but also how the numerous screens correspond. Their goal is to create aesthetically pleasing user interfaces accurately reflect the company's values and are simple and pleasurable for customers to use.

The Difference in Objectives of A Product, UX Designer, and A UI Designer

During the product development process, the goal of product designers is to improve the product so that it meets business goals. The main job of user experience designers, on the other hand, is to turn these business goals into user journeys.  These are the crucial factor that sets them apart.

For example, product designers may propose the addition of a new feature as a means of boosting sales in the upcoming quarter; however, user experience designers are the ones who will be responsible for developing the user journey that will make this a reality.

UX designers and UI designers may perform similar tasks, but they have distinct jobs and objectives. Frequently, UX designers create wireframes and testable prototypes that illustrate how users will navigate a website or service. Designers of user interfaces, on the other hand, develop products and designs that keep users engaged.

Designers of user interfaces ensure that every page, button, and interaction is polished and functional. UX designers examine a product or service from a broader perspective. They provide that the user flow of a website, service, or application is consistent and fully realized.

The design of the user experience is also a significantly more specialized field than product design.  A user experience designer focuses more on the overall process of integrating a product into a system. This includes not only desktop devices but also mobile devices in terms of usability, user interface design, function, branding, and visual design.

On the other hand, A product designer doesn't have to know a lot about the technical side of things, but they should be good at a wide range of skills that are related to the product.

Differences and Similarities in Job Responsibilities

What Responsibilities Do UX Designers Have For An Organization?

  • Make conscious sketches, detailed wireframes, and functional prototypes to show to stakeholders at every stage of the product development process.
  • Perform usability testing and study.
  • Determine and resolve UX issues based on qualitative data and user feedback.
  • Collaborate with other designers, researchers, product managers, engineering, and customers to create simple and elegant products.
  • Either independently or in collaboration with UX designers, conducting user research and analysis of current designs to comprehend user needs and product objectives.

What Responsibilities Do UI Designers Have For An Organization?

  • Conducting a competition analysis to determine how people might anticipate the product to appear and function based on their experience with comparable items.
  • Creating logos and individual user interface elements such as buttons, icons, and forms, as well as choosing fonts and color palettes.
  • Developing the interactive characteristics of various UI elements. For instance, creating animations and determining what occurs when a user clicks a particular button.
  • Developing wireframes and prototypes to describe the UI's look and feel before development.

What Do Product Designers Do In An Organization?

  • Defining customer needs and designing experiences that are aesthetically pleasing, intuitive, and simple.
  • Collaborate with engineers and product managers to define long-term and short-term strategies and tactics for the products.
  • Continuously improve product quality by soliciting and responding to end-user feedback.
  • Coordinate with Product and Engineering to oversee the user experience of a product from inception to release.
  • Investigate the designs and be able to confidently explain to team members and stakeholders at all levels of the organization how certain decisions were made.
  • Explore concepts and zero in on the optimal solution. Utilize the optimal formats and precisions for the work.

The primary responsibilities of a user experience designer (UX designer) and a product designer show that the two roles are quite comparable to one another. Both positions require a high level of design expertise.

However, while the product designer's job involves decision-making and marketing acumen, the UX designer's job requires more specific responsibilities such as research and wireframing.

How Product and UX Designers Help The Organization with Their Existing Product?

After the launch of a digital product, organizations typically move UX designers to other projects, occasionally shifting them back for a redesign. Product designers, on the other hand, continue to iterate on the same product over time.

This is because once a product is released into the real world, refinement and the addition of new features do not occur instantly. Product teams recognize that users must have the opportunity to become familiar with existing elements and workflows.

This also allows organizations the space and possibility to collect real-time information regarding user behavior. In this phase, product designers apply a significant portion of their expertise to be able to release an enhanced version in the subsequent product release.

When is The Right Time For You To Hire A Product Designer?”

Before hiring a product designer, you must ensure that you are prepared to begin the design process. Otherwise, you run the risk of hiring and paying a professional before they begin their work. Before moving on to product design, verify your concept by ensuring that the following points tick marked -

Your concept is viable

Technically, financially, and legally, you should be able to implement your idea. If there are no technologies capable of implementing your ideas, you can reconsider your concept but refrain from investing in the design of the product. Also, before proceeding to the next stage, ensure that you have addressed all legal constraints that limit your ideas. Finally, you must have sufficient funds to finance the design and development of the product.

Your product has been verified

Ensure that the market you have chosen is interested in your product and can generate sufficient revenue. Also, ensure that you have included all segments of your intended audience. Make certain that you have accurately defined your target audience's needs and that your product meets those needs.

You possess a defined business strategy

Without a detailed business plan, there is no achievable objective. Inconsistent product design and development can result in a mess if you create unnecessary features or a product with low demand. In either case, you run the risk of wasting money and making the final product cost more than it should. Create a business canvas, or at least a lean canvas, to describe your business model and guide your product development.

Where can you find a  potential product designer or UX/UI designer?

Choosing where to look is the next step in the hiring process. Two choices are:

  • Design platforms and communities, such as Behance, Dribbble, Adobe Portfolio, and Portfoliobox, where designers' work can be viewed.
  • Workable, Recruitee, and LinkedIn are examples of hiring platforms and social media sites where you can do candidate research, post jobs, and get applications.

You can either send a message to the candidates you've identified or create a job posting with the description you've prepared and wait for candidates to respond.

Are Designers from Agencies More Expensive Than In-house Designers?

At first glance, agencies appear to be more expensive, but when you compare the service, you will see why it is worthwhile. You can't hire an entire team of designers with different specialties, and it's normal for a designer not to be specialized in every aspect. But an agency, with its team of specialized designers, will provide you with professional design solutions for any problem.

Furthermore, you do not have to pay them a salary every month, nor do you have to go through the hiring process and deal with all of the hassles. You can simply continue to be a strategic partner to a creative design agency and pay them on a project basis, which is more feasible.

Wrapping UP

Your company can better manage the development and management of digital products by understanding the misconceptions, distinctions, and similarities between product design and user experience (UX) design.

In the end, the value of product and user experience design goes beyond making users happy. Providing good user experiences is about securing the future of your product and building a strong market presence that will last for years.

Good design has been shown to lower development costs, increase customer loyalty, improve return on investment, and optimize conversion paths (ROI).

To do this, you need people who are experts in the design process and know how to make hypotheses, try things out, and test them. You can use this to give your users meaningful experiences while also assisting your business in making wiser business decisions.

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